Andrea Kopylech, co-Chair UCC NAC (Ottawa)
At the last triennial congress, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) launched a new committee, the National Arts Council (NAC). The goal of the committee is to create a network for Ukrainian Canadian artists whereby they can gain visibility and recognition within Canada, and find creative means to continue their artistic growth through the celebration of the Ukrainian arts.
The NAC’s current project is the development of a website that will feature a Ukrainian Canadian Artists Directory, Resource Section and Profiles on varying arts groups and individuals in Canada. In order for this project to be successful, the NAC is asking for the assistance of all UCC Provincial Councils, Branches and member organizations to ensure that all the artists in your area are aware of this new tool.
Please circulate this letter and web address,, to all Ukrainian Canadian art organizations and individuals in your community and ask all the artists to visit the website or link directly to and upload their individual or group information.
We are encouraging artists, musicians, music groups, photographers, dancers, dance groups, festivals, film directors, writers, craft artisans, and singers to join. Whatever is pursued as an artistic passion, we want to know about it, share it, and celebrate our Ukrainian roots (and routes)! Let us share and help promote the work of our artists – joining is free.
Please help us share one of our richest commodities as Ukrainian Canadians: our culture.
As the exciting work of the NAC continues, we would really appreciate hearing from you about what we can do at a national level for artists and for the community. Please send us your thoughts, as well as, any information that you might have on local arts organizations in your community that offer support to the arts (eg. Edmonton Arts Council, Ontario Craft Council, Canada Council). Your assistance is greatly appreciated, as it will save us time in developing the Resources section of the website.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions. I’ll do my best to assist. I may be reached at or by phone (780) 288-0911.