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Radio Ukraine International

EDITORIAL: We received this letter from Tom Woodruff from New York as a part of an effort to raise awareness and gain public interest in supporting a unique radio station called Radio Ukraine International or RUI as an abbreviation.


Tom Woodruff (New York)

RUI was an international shortwave broadcast station for 60 years until budget cuts, and lack of government support in 2010 ceased it’s operation. The radio station was a pillar of the international radio community, and was established in 1950 with the mission of keeping Ukranian disapora informed, and in touch with home. Intially broadcasting in Ukrainian only, English and German broadcasts were added in 1962 and 1965 respectively.  In 2010, the station began operating as an online radio station only, and also at this point the Ukrainian language programs were discontinued from RUI broadcasts, again from “budget cuts”, or perhaps better said – the lack of the current authorities support. Sadly, it has become apparent that the existing English and German language broadcasts are also now at a high risk of being discontinued, marking the end of an era for Ukraine’s ” international voice”.

As a young boy in the early 1960’s my hobby was shortwave radio listening, it was my internet of the times so to say and I have listened with much pleasure to RUI for 50 years now. I have continued listening in daily to RUI’s broadcasts via the internet, but unfortunately the vast majority of listeners that followed RUI on shortwave radio did not make the change over to online streaming. This lack of a significant audience is driving the current decision makers thought process for closure of the station.

I am hoping to find help in raising awareness of this valuable resource from the Ukrainian communities in Canada and the USA.  It seems to me that the Ukrainian disapora are simply unaware of this wonderful radio station and the variety of programming it provides. There is no funding available for any sort of advertising from the radio station, so it is only by “chance” or word of mouth that others become aware.

To me, one of the most important aspects of the programming and news that are presented on RUI is that the information is unbiased, there is no political slant or overtones of any kind. There are daily features, that are created and presented by average Ukrainian journalists living in the country, and you would have to listen to these programs to fully appreciate their uniqueness and impact.  For instance there is a Friday feature called “The Roots” that is about Ukainian history, traditions, culture and more.   On Sunday evenings there is the “Music from Ukraine” program featuring musical masterpieces, traditional folk music and more.  One of Thursday’s features is “Reading Lounge” where readings of literature from famous Ukrainian writers and poets is featured, such as Ivan Franko, Taras Shevchenko and so on. The mission of RUI is to acquaint foreign listeners and the Ukrainian disapora with all diversity of political and social-economic life, current affairs, cultural history, spiritual life, and music of Ukraine.

If everyone who reads this message would put some thought into how I might create awareness and contact me I would be forever in your debt. Even if the person reading this message would go to the RUI website and listen in to a broadcast out of curiosity would make a difference. Better yet would be if your organization would consider a program highlighting RUI, sending an email of support to the staff at RUI, telling your friends and families of this wonderful source of Ukrainian information / entertainment, adding a link on your website to RUI, forwarding my email to others you know – anything to help us from losing the last international radio “voice” of Ukraine. It would be a dream come true for me and the staff of RUI if they were flooded with emails of support and “hits” on their web counter. Although the RUI team is unaware of my personal campaign, I’m on a first name basis with the English language team, so feel free to mention my name in your emails.

I’ll include some links and a time / program schedule with the hopes you will “tune in”.  Please help me..


Tom Woodruff Pulaski NY USA

Monday – News, Ukrainian Perspective, Insight, Reading Lounge. Tuesday – News, Ukrainian Perspective, Panorama, Famous Ukrainians. Wednesday – News, Ukrainian Perspective, Highlights, Reading Lounge. Thursday – News, Ukrainian Perspective, Close up, Start Ups. Friday – News,, Roots. Saturday – News, Ukrainian Diary, Hello from Kyiv, Sports and Fun. Sunday – News, Ukrainian Diary, Music from Ukraine.

One hour long RUI broadcasts in English can be heard daily starting at:

1900 UTC – 3PM EDT 2100 UTC – 5PM EDT 2300 UTC – 7PM EDT 0200 UTC – 10PM EDT 0500 UTC – 1AM EDT 0700 UTC – 3AM EDT 0900 UTC – 5AM EDT 1200 UTC – 8AM EDT

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