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November 29, 2012: Book Launch by the Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada (Vancouver)

Book Launch featuring:

Prometheus: A Tale of the Human Quest for Enlightenment by Oles Berdnyk

Childhood friends – a beautiful girl of precocious intelligence, and her warrior-protector travel from ancient Alexandria to classical Athens seeking education. Berdnyk imagines a historical character Hypatia, a philosopher in the mid-4th to early 5th century AD, and her companion Isidore, traveling through ancient Greece, India and North Africa, encountering princes, priests, gurus and ascetics.  We are immersed in a dazzling array of cultures and world views as we walk with them.

Maria: A Chronicle of a Life by Ulas Samchuk

A gripping story about a village woman’s loves, losses, and daily toil, from the emancipation of serfs in 1861 to one of the most tragic periods in human history – the 1932-33 Holodomor, or Famine-Genocide.

Translated into English by Dr. Roma Franko, recipient of the Luckyj Ukrainian Literature Translation Prize

Presented by Paul Cipywnyk, B.J, M.A. editor for Language Lanterns Publications (LLP)

Additional English translations of outstanding Ukrainian literature will also be available

Thursday,  November  29,  2012  –  7pm   154 E. 10th Avenue, Mezzanine  (west side of cathedral doors) Vancouver, BC

Free admission – refreshments will be served

Hosted by the Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada, Lesia Ukrainka Branch, Vancouver

UWAC: 154 E. 10th  Avenue, Vancouver, B.C.

Contact:  Lydia Huzyk  604-437-1464

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