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Gazeta Polska invites Ukrainian community to participate in Smolensk rally in Vancouver

Andrew Major, Gazeta Polska Club, Vancouver

Vancouver Art Gallery Square, 2012

As in previous 2 years,  we are organising the rally to commemorate catastrophe, protesting against lack of true, independent investigation.   You probably are aware of very solid explanations by renown physicists/engineers that there must have been 2 explosions before airplane wreck fell down.   We cordially invite you to join us at the rally, and look forward to see with us many  friends representing nations oppressed /and still often are/ by soviets.

To commemorate victims of the airplane crash in Smolensk, where in 2010 President Kaczynski, his wife, and 94 other people sought to honor Polish Army officers assassinated by Russian authorities in Katyn forests during the WWII, the Gazeta Polska Vancouver’s society invites everyone for the rally, which will be organized in front of the Vancouver Art Gallery, on Sunday, April 14, between 3PM and 5PM. Thank you, in advance, to all our supporters! See you at the rally.  For more info  

Z okazji trzeciej rocznicy tragedii smoleńskiej zbiegającej się z 73-cią rocznicą mordu na polskich oficerach w lesie katyńskim Klub Gazety Polskiej w Vancouver zaprasza wszystkich rodaków na uroczysty wiec upamiętniający ofiary. Kochani przyjaciele i patrioci, sercem oddani Polsce, prosimy przybywajcie tłumnie na plac przed Vancouver Art Gallery w Vancouver w niedzielę, 14-go kwietnia bieżącego roku, od godziny 15-tej do 17-tej. Do zobaczenia na wiecu.   Po wiecej informacji emailuj  

Editorial Note: Читайте про участь української громади Ванкувера у цій акції  в 2012.

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