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Thank You to Our Volunteers! Together We Keep Our Community Strong

11 April 2016. Ottawa – As Canada celebrates National Volunteer Week, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) expresses heartfelt gratitude to our thousands of volunteers from coast to coast to coast of our great country. Together, we keep our Community Strong!

This year, the theme of National Volunteer Week is Volunteers are the roots of strong communities. Nowhere is this more evident than in our own Ukrainian Canadian community. Since Ukrainians began immigrating to Canada 125 years ago, the selfless efforts of volunteers who have given their time and their energy to advancing and fostering our community have ensured the growth of our traditions, language and culture, contributing to the essential fabric of Canadian life.

Generation after generation of Ukrainian Canadians have taught their children the value of giving back to our community. The many volunteers who generously work on behalf of the UCC, our provincial councils, local branches and member organizations are a true inspiration to us all. It is because of them that we have remained strong and continue to grow stronger as a community with each passing year.

In the last two years, our community has played a key role in ensuring international support for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. As Ukraine bravely battles against Russia’s invasion, our community’s organizations and volunteers have been instrumental in establishing and implementing many humanitarian and medical projects in Ukraine through the UCC Ukraine Appeal. We continue to demonstrate unity of purpose in our support for Ukraine during this difficult time.

“As the Ukrainian Canadian Congress celebrates its 75th anniversary, we sincerely thank those without whom none of what we accomplished would have been possible – the many volunteers whose tireless efforts keep us strong and united,” stated Paul Grod, National President of the UCC. “Your dedication and devotion to our common cause is an inspiration to us all. Щиро Дякуємо!”

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