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March 1st, 2015: Vancouver rally for freedom and democracy in Russia and peace in Ukraine

Progressive Russians of Vancouver are organizing the march (rally) on Sunday, March 1st in Vancouver in solidarity with Moscow people who fight for democracy in Russia and peace in Ukraine.

The march will start in front of Art Gallery (750 Hornby St, Vancouver) at 1:00 p.m.


In Russia this meeting is going to be called Anti-Crisis March “Spring”.

The name itself carries a lot of symbolism. First of all, let’s start with the word “March”. In English it has two meanings, first one is rally/meeting and the second one is the name of month. Hence the allusion to the date, March 1, when our march is going to be held.

Secondly, one of the biggest emphasis here is the word “Spring”. It has a symbolic meaning of waking up, regeneration, etc. (Indeed, Russia needs to wake up).

Thirdly, “Anti-Crisis”. Russia is going right now through a big financial crisis, which is not part of any other global crisis. It is self-inflicted. The cause of this crisis is not just the sanctions by EU and USA. In reality the root of it is the whole system of so-called “vertical governance”, within which the fate of the whole country belongs not to its people, but to a closed circle of men in Kremlin. They are the ones, who by defying any global regulations, feel free to invade any country they want. They are the ones who created such a system, fit to let them stay in power forever, that doesn’t allow the existence of a free society and thus puts many barriers to create and develop local business in Russia. Hence, what we observe today is both the international crisis and the financial.

In order to stay in power, these men are willing to sacrifice the well-being of all of the Russian citizens and citizens of other countries. They created a police state, where political persecution became a norm. They are currently leading the country back into 1937, backed up by non-stop state media channels propaganda.

So technically, what Russia is experiencing today is the crisis of leadership, which became too totalitarian and corrupted.

Therefore, although the name of the rally is just 3 simple words, it carries a lot of meaning. All those who are not indifferent towards what’s going on there, are encouraged to join this rally in Toronto also in support of those brave people in Moscow and across Russia, who will be protesting on the same day and who are risking their freedom for simply coming and voicing their opinion and disagreement with the current situation in Russia.


Peace Rally in Moscow. March 15, 2014

If you think war in the Eastern Ukraine is the local conflict, you are making big mistake. Vladimir Putin – Russian dictator, will not stop, he wants to re-incarnate the USSR and even more. He dreams about the world domination, wants to become the “Tsar of Human’ Civilization”. How he wants to reach his goal? Simply by the WW3. Yes, he wants to start the World War 3.

Before it is too late we need to stop him! Every voice is important, any help is deeply appreciated by Ukrainian and Russians, who stand together, shoulder by shoulder for better life, stand against war and aggression of any kind. People deserve piece.

Please joint to our spring Peace March at March 1st, which will take a place in front of Art Gallery, in Vancouver at 1:00 p.m.

Bring with you your friends, family; make some posters.

Thank you all!

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