We also grew up on different fairy tales.
Just compare:
A typical Ukrainian fairy tale hero is Kotyhoroshko. The surname ends in a traditional Ukrainian “- ko”.
Yeah, a typical Ukrainian.
– Give me a mace!
*bends it*
– Give me another one!
*breaks it*
– Give the third one… well, OK. But also NLAW, Javelin and a couple of planes will do.
– So what now, Kotyhoroshko, will we fight or put up with it?
– Fight!
*whack! whack! whack!*
What I am trying to say…
Glory to Kotygoroshkos! Death to Ivans the Fools!
Ukrainian Text by Natasya Nagorna. Translated into English by Ukrainianvancouver team – Mar 06, 2022