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Українці Оттави: події жовтня 2012

ВІД РЕДАКЦІЇ: Пропонуємо читачам УВ розклад українських подій та заходів, що відбудуться у канадській столиці у жовтні 2012. Хто, можливо,  перебуватиме у Оттаві – гарна нагода познайомитись із співвітчизниками та знайти нових друзів та однодумців. Дякуємо пані Ірені Бел за надану інформацію.


Ottawa Ukrainian-interest Events Calendar – October  2012

Oct. 6, Fri. Registration deadline for Ukrainian language High School Credit Course  (613) 521-5831.

Oct. 11, Thurs. 7 pm.  The Ottawa-Gatineau Branch of UNF with the Chair of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Ottawa invites you to a book launch and signing for Making Bombs for Hitler by Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch at the Lounge of the New Residence, 90 University Private, U of O campus. Light refreshments will be served. Info: Halyna Mokrushyna 819-770-7794 or  . Event is free. The book will be available for sale.

Oct. 11, Thurs. 8 pm. Dr. Lubomyr Luciuk on what the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Ass’n (UCCLA) has been up to for the past 25 yrs. Ukrainian hall, 911 Carling Ave. Of special interest for post-secondary students.

Oct. 12, Fri.  7:30 pm. Concert “Sacred Chants and Folk Songs of Ukraine and Russia”.  By the Iverskyi Monastery Male Choir from Odessa.   At the Assumption Orthodox hall, 1000 Byron Ave.  Free admission.

Oct. 13, Sat.  5:30 pm. Join Lesia Maruschak’s Light the Night Team in the annual Ottawa Light the Night Walk, sponsored by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Canada. To learn more contact Lesia at 613-523-5578. To make a donation, sponsor a CUPP intern, join her team, go to

Oct. 16, Tues. 5:30 – 9 pm. The Atlantic Council of Canada presents a roundtable discussion “Ukraine’s relations with the EU and the path to NATO”. Prof. Milana Nikolko and panelists.  Senate Room, 608 Robertson Hall, Carleton Univ., 1125 Colonel By Drive.  Members $20, Non-members $25, Students members free. Register with ACC  by Oct. 16 at 416-979-1875 or

Oct. 16, Tues. 7.30 pm.  The Chair of Ukrainian Studies, UofO, presents The Current State of Archives, Museums, and Academic Freedom in Ukraine, by Ruslan Zabily, General Director of the Lonskyi [Lacki] Street Prison Museum in Lviv.  Desmarais Bldg, Rm 12110, 55 Laurier Ave.

Oct. 17, Wed. 6:30 – 8 pm. UCPBA(O): Tasting of the malts: Sample, and learn about, six of the best Scotches. Space limited, so confirm your participation quickly. Advance booking required.  Members $45, Guests $50. At the tasting room-LCBO Rideau & King Edward. For more information, and to book a seat:

Oct. 20, Sat.  The Ewashko Singers perform Songs to Savour, an evening of song and food. Fund-raiser for . Humorous food-themed repertoire. Pre- and post-concert receptions serving local products. At First Unitarian Congregation, 30 Cleary Ave. Pre-concert reception 7 pm., concert 8 pm. General admission $40. Students, seniors $35. Tickets at The Leading Note 370 Elgin St. and USC Canada 56 Sparks St, or at door.

Oct. 23, Tues. 7:30 pm. Ukrainian Genealogy Group Meeting, at the Ukrainian Catholic Church Hall, 952 Green Valley Cresc. Topic: Heritage Photographs.  For information (613) 731-1870 (evenings).

Oct. 27, Sat.  6 pm. A Tale of Tango – dinner, wine and lots of tango lore presented by The Montreal Friends of the Ukrainian Catholic University, in the Loyola High School Atrium.

November 1-3.  The Chair of Ukrainian Studies, UofO, presents the Annual Danyliw Research Seminar on Contemporary Ukraine. Presentations, roundtable re Ukrainian election.

Nov. 3, Sat.  Annual Ukrainian Night by the Knights of Columbus in the Ukr. Catholic Shrine hall, Green Valley Cresc. Tickets: $40 available after Sun. Mass, or from: F. McGoldrick 613-828-7531, , 613-830-5606, or .  Fund raising major recipient: UKR. CATHOLIC SHRINE-Stairs Repair Fund . Mass 4:30 pm, Social Hour 5:30 pm, Dinner 6 pm, Entertainment.  Dancing to music of DJ Peter Zebchuk.

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Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Ukr Orthodox Cathedral: 1000 Byron Ave.  613-728-0856 St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Shrine: 952 Green Valley Cresc.  723-1673 Christ the Saviour Orthodox Sobor (Bukovynian parish): 721 Somerset St. W.  613-723-7790 Contact Irena Bell at to have Ukrainian events listed, or to receive the monthly Events Calendar by e-mail. Print Calendar sponsored by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) Ottawa Branch

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