Юлія Сташук (Ванкувер)
Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy the spirit and joy of Easter in Ukrainian style! Follow Ukrainian Easter production on Shaw TV Channel 4 on Sunday, April 8:
at 9:00 am: Easter Breads & Basket: members of the Ukrainian Catholic Woman’s League of Canada (UCWLC), St. Mary’s parish (Vancouver) baking Paska & Babka; also Grace Harris and Marion Bealey eplaining how to prepare the Easter Basket with traditional Easter foods;
at 9:30 am: – the Origins of Pysanka with host Theresa Herchak. Guests: Roman Onufrijchuk and artist Shirley Stasiuk.
Sunday, April 15 (Easter by Orthodox calendar) at 4:00 pm and 4:30 pm above mentioned programs will be repeated.
These programs were produced in the late 1980’s and were kept in storage. Lately, producers have decided to make them into DVDs – and donate them to the Archives in Ottawa. They will be a legacy for a period of 25 years of Ukrainian television in Vancouver and British Columbia.
In the near future, producers also plan to air programs on Chernobyl, Tropak’s “Dancing the Dream” and others.