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Український Великдень на ванкуверському телебаченні

Юлія Сташук (Ванкувер)

Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy the spirit and joy of Easter in Ukrainian style! Follow Ukrainian Easter production on Shaw TV Channel 4 on Sunday, April  8:

at  9:00 am: Easter Breads  &  Basket: members of the Ukrainian Catholic Woman’s League of Canada (UCWLC), St. Mary’s  parish (Vancouver) baking  Paska  &  Babka; also Grace  Harris and Marion Bealey eplaining how to prepare the Easter Basket with traditional Easter foods;

at 9:30 am: –  the Origins of  Pysanka with host Theresa Herchak. Guests: Roman Onufrijchuk and artist Shirley Stasiuk.

Sunday, April 15 (Easter by Orthodox calendar)  at   4:00 pm and  4:30 pm  above mentioned programs will be repeated.

These programs were produced in the late 1980’s  and  were  kept in storage.  Lately,  producers have decided to make them into DVDs  –  and donate them to the Archives in Ottawa.  They will be a legacy for a period of 25 years of Ukrainian television in Vancouver and British Columbia.

In the near future, producers also plan to air programs on Chernobyl, Tropak’s  “Dancing the Dream” and others.

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