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Розклад Богослужінь у церкві Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці (Сюррей) на Страсний тиждень і Великдень

Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. Mary

Church Address: 10765 – 135 A St., Surrey, BC,

Mailing address: Box 163, STN.MAIN, Surrey, BC, V3T 4W8

Phone: (604) 581-2768 (Office); (604) 581-0313 (Church Hall)


Saturday, April 7 – Divine Liturgy (Annunciation) at 10:00 am

Saturday, April 7 – Great Vespers with Litia at 6:00 pm

Sunday, April 8 – Divine Liturgy (Palm Sunday) at 10:00 am

Great and Holy Thursday, April 12

Matins (Reading of the 12 Passion Gospels) at 6:30 pm

Great and Holy Friday, April 13

Veneration of the Holy Shroud at 5:00 pm

Great and Holy Saturday, April 14

Vespers with the Divine Liturgy at 10:00 am

Sunday, April 15 – The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Pascha.

Procession around the church at 7:00 am;

Matins at 7:30 am;

Paschal Liturgy and Blessing of Baskets at 8:30 am

Bright Monday, April 16 – Divine Liturgy at 10:00 am

Bright Tuesday, April 17 – Divine Liturgy at 10:00 am

Saturday, April 21 – Vespers with Litia at 6:00 pm

Sunday, April 22 – Thomas Sunday.

Divine Liturgy at 10:00 am

Paschal Dinner (Spilne Svyachene) following the Liturgy.

Grave side Prayers: 1:30 pm – Valleyview Cemetery; 3:30 pm – Fraserview Cemetery; 4:00 pm – Forest Lawn Cemetery.

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