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Розклад Богослужінь на Великодний тиждень та Пасху. Schedule of the services for Passion Week and Pa

На прохання читачів, публікуємо розклад Великодніх служб та освячення пасок в Українських Православних Церквах Ванкувера. Нагадаємо, що Великдень за східним (православним) календарем у цьому році святкується 5 травня.

Про те як приготувати і що покласти у Великодній кошик читайте у нашій попередній статті.


Українська Православна Катедра Пресвятої Трійці

Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral 154 East  10th Ave., Vancouver, B.C.

May 2 – Great and Holy Thursday, Passion of Christ: Reading of the Twelve Gospels at 7:00 pm.

May 3 – Great and Holy Friday: Vespers and bringing out of the HOLY SHROUD (PLASHCHANYTSYA) at 7:00 pm.

May 4 – Great and Holy Saturday: Acts of the Apostles at 7:00 pm Polunoshnytsia at 8:00 pm.

May 5 – Sunday, The Radiant Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ – Holy Pascha: 

7:00 A.M. Procession To The Entrance Of The Church; Paschal Matins; Paschal Hours.

8:00 A.M. Paschal Divine Liturgy.

Blessing of paschal baskets following the Divine Liturgy.

Easter Fellowship Hour:  On Easter Sunday, May 5, following the Blessing of Easter baskets, those who wish to remain and share a Fellowship Hour and their Easter basket foods with other worshipers are cordially invited to do so.  There will be coffee served.

May 6 – Bright Monday 10:00 am. Divine Liturgy

May 7 – Bright Tuesday 10:00 am. Divine Liturgy


Українська Православна Церква Пресвятої Богородиці

St. Mary`s Ukrainian Orthodox Church 10765-135A St. Surrey, BC

Great and Holy Thursday, May 2

Matins (Reading of the 12 Passion Gospels) at 6:30 pm

Great and Holy Friday, May 3  

Veneration of the Holy Shroud at 6:00 pm

Great and Holy Saturday, May 4

Vespers with the Divine Liturgy at 10:00 am

Sunday, May 5 – The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Holy Pascha. 

Procession around the church and Matins at 7:00 am;

Paschal Liturgy and Blessing of Baskets at 8:00 am

Bright Monday, May 6 – Divine Liturgy at 10:00 am

Saturday, May 11 – Vespers at 6:00 pm

Sunday, May 12 – Thomas Sunday.

Divine Liturgy at 10:00 am  Paschal Dinner (Spilne Svyachene) following Divine Liturgy

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