Спільнота “Прогресивних росіян Ванкувера” запрошує усіх, хто підтримує Україну та проти війни розв’язаної Путіном, прийти 21 вересня до Art Gallery (Robson Square) та прийняти участь в Марші Миру.
Деталі нижче:
Давайте поддержим Украину нашем маршем мира в Ванкувере, и привлечем внимание канадцев к страшнейшей войне в восточной Европе!
Let’s support Ukraine with the peace rally in Vancouver, and draw attention of Canadians to the horrific war in Eastern Europe!
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1535901269959256/
Sunday, September 21st, at 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Next Week
Vancouver, Art Gallery on Robson St.

The Russian-speaking diaspora across North America is organizing similar events in other cities. If you have friends or relatives in these cities, please share this with them: Russian-Americans-in-Support-of-Ukraine
On September 21, the citizens of Moscow are organizing a peace march against the war in Ukraine. In solidarity with them, the Russian diaspora abroad will also be organizing marches:
Los Angeles: https://www.facebook.com/events/1474461656141470/
San Francisco: https://www.facebook.com/events/632226760224493/
Washington, D.C.: https://www.facebook.com/events/569868933119862/
Protests in Russia:
Yekaterinburg: https://www.facebook.com/events/782775931775185/
An interview with Julia Heller, the organizer of the San Francisco march: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=707140909373323&id=707043659383048
Please come to show your support for these brave individuals in Russia, who are not afraid to speak up for what’s right! And please, share and invite your friends!