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Vancouver’s Peace Rally in support of Ukraine

Спільнота “Прогресивних росіян Ванкувера” запрошує усіх, хто підтримує Україну та проти війни розв’язаної Путіном, прийти 21 вересня до Art Gallery (Robson Square) та прийняти участь в Марші Миру.

Деталі нижче:

Давайте поддержим Украину нашем маршем мира в Ванкувере, и привлечем внимание канадцев к страшнейшей войне в восточной Европе!

Let’s support Ukraine with the peace rally in Vancouver, and draw attention of Canadians to the horrific war in Eastern Europe!

Sunday, September 21st, at 1:00pm – 3:00pm

Next Week

Vancouver, Art Gallery on Robson St.



The Russian-speaking diaspora across North America is organizing similar events in other cities. If you have friends or relatives in these cities, please share this with them: Russian-Americans-in-Support-of-Ukraine

On September 21, the citizens of Moscow are organizing a peace march against the war in Ukraine. In solidarity with them, the Russian diaspora abroad will also be organizing marches:

Protests in Russia:

An interview with Julia Heller, the organizer of the San Francisco march:

Please come to show your support for these brave individuals in Russia, who are not afraid to speak up for what’s right! And please, share and invite your friends!

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