Ukrainian Institute of America, media release
The essay contest is part of a year-long, world-wide celebration of Taras Shevchenko’s 200th birthday. It is intended to inspire young people to think about the legacy of this towering figure in Ukraine’s history.
Theme of the Contest
“Taras Shevchenko: Why Does He Matter Today?”
First prize 3,000
Second prize $2,000
Third prize $1,000
10 Honorable Mentions $300 each
The top 3 essays, and the names of all the winners, will be published on the Institute’s website; in Atlas, the Institute’s newsleter; and in some of the Ukrainian American Press. Top scoring essays will be displayed at the Institute’s headquarters during the summer of 2014.

Contest Guidelines
Open to anyone ages 14 to 21.
Essays must be original, unpublished, and written entirely by the contestant. Co-authored essays will not be accepted.
A contestant may submit only one essay.
Entries must be received no later than midnight January 31, 2014.
Each submission will receive a return message indicating receipt of the essay.
Entrants must fill out the entry form on the Ukrainian Institute of America’s website.
Essay Format
Essays must be written in English.
Essays must be under 1,000 words in length.
Essays must be double-spaced.
Essays must be submitted electronically as a Microsoft Word file, attached as specified on the entry form.
Cite all sources used in the text; do not use footnotes or endnotes.
Essays will be selected on the basis of originality of thought, creativity, substance, and appropriateness to contest theme by a panel of qualified judges.
The selection of winning essays shall be entirely at the discretion of the judges. The decision of the judges shall be final and shall not be subject to review in any forum or by any person or entity. Contestants agree to abide by the decision of the judges and The Ukrainian Institute of America.
By submitting an essay, a contestant certifies that he or she is the owner of any relevant intellectual property rights in the essay and that he or she assigns all such rights to the Ukrainian Institute of America. All essays submitted will become the property of the Institute. The Institute may, but is not obligated to, publish or use submitted essays in any form and venue.
Essay contest winners will be notified by early summer 2014.