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One Perogy at a Time – документальний фільм про благодійну акцію, організовану українцями Кана

Українська громада Саскачевану вирішила допомогти дітям-сиротам у Львівській області. Документальна стрічка One Perogy at a Time розповідає про креативний підхід українців Канади до благодійницької діяльності.

Фільм можна буде переглянути на телеканалі OMNI, 1 квітня, о 8 вечора.

Читайте далі офіційний прес-реліз англійською:

OMNI television documents the unorthodox efforts of Canadians helping Ukrainian orphans in One Perogy at a Time, premiering March 25

One-hour, original documentary profiles the work of a Canadian organization that changes the lives of Ukrainian youth living halfway around the world.

Profiling the work of Saskatoon-based charitable organization Nashi, One Perogy at a Time tells the remarkable story of how one small group of dedicated Canadians can make a profound difference in the lives of Ukrainian children by simply rolling One Perogy at a Time.

The one-hour, original documentary premieres Sunday, March 25 at 9pm on OMNI. 1, OMNI Alberta and OMNI BC to English-language audiences, and Sunday, April 1 at 8pm on OMNI. 1 to Ukrainian-language audiences.

Savelia Curniski, president of Saskatoon-based at-risk youth advocacy organization Nashi, as seen in One Perogy at a Time One Perogy at a Time celebrates the work of Saveila Curniski, president of Nashi, an organization that works locally and internationally to raise awareness and find concrete solutions to divert at risk youth from human trafficking.

This documentary chronicles the group’s mission to keep at risk youth in Ukrainian orphanages from becoming victims of the sex trade and crime by organizing Perogy Paradise. As the largest annual fundraising event for Nashi – and coined “Canada’s largest perogy supper” – every penny from every perogy sold goes toward the Maple Leaf Project, a safe house for orphaned youth in the small Ukrainian village of Stoyaniv.

“One Perogy at a Time is a story of motivation and hope,” said Madeline Ziniak, National Vice President, OMNI Television. “The work of Nashi is an inspiration, proving that a small group of people can make a big difference in the lives of those in need halfway around the world.”

One Perogy at a Time is produced and directed by Larissa Malarek. The executive producer is Jurij Klufas. This documentary was made possible with funding from OMNI Television Independent Producers Initiative.

Tymofiy Hawrysh Maple Leaf Alberta Projects Keep a watch O Lord before my mouth and a guard on my lips.

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