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80th Anniversary of the Holodomor – Відзначення 80их роковин Голодомору

The Ukrainian Catholic Woman’s League of Canada

This year marks the 80th anniversary of Holodomor-the Great Famine-Genocide in Ukraine. The Holodomor refers specifically to the brutal artificial famine imposed on the Ukrainian people in 1932-33 by Stalin’s regime.

The UCWLC Holy Eucharist Cathedral Branch, New Westminster are planning to commemorate this event. Father Edward Danylo Evanko has kindly agreed to perform his one man play

“Holodomor – Murder by Starvation”

The performance will be held on Saturday April 6th at 2pm in the Theatre of the Justice Institute of British Columbia, 715 Mcbride Boulevard, New Westminster.

Please come and support this event and learn about this sad part of Ukrainian history which Father Edward so gratuitously responded to the UCWLC’s request to make it known to us here in Canada.

It is a fund raiser for the Bishop Jerome Chimy Eparchial Centre .

The Ukrainian Catholic Woman’s League of Canada,

New Westminster Branch Joyce Vermeulen President 604- 944-1971

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