ВІД РЕДАКЦІЇ: Пропонуємо читачам УВ розклад українських подій та заходів, що відбудуться у канадській столиці у вересні. Хто, можливо, перебуватиме у Оттаві – гарна нагода познайомитись із співвітчизниками та знайти нових друзів та однодумців. Дякуємо пані Ірені Бел за надану інформацію.
Ottawa Ukrainian-interest Events list:
Sept. 18, Tues. 7:30 pm. Canadian Friends of Ukraine Annual General Meeting (in Ukrainian). Ukr Catholic Church, downstairs board room, 952 Green Valley Cresc. Enter via side/back door.
Sept. 20, Thurs. 7 pm. UNF Ottawa presents a lecture (in Ukrainian) “World War Ukrainian Partisan Resistance in Volyn” by Vasyl Oliynyk from Kremenets (northern Ternopil oblast’), to mark the 70 anniversary of UPA. At Villa Marconi, 1026 Baseline Road. Admission by donation. Details at www.unfcanada.ca . Info: 613-301-5192 (Paul Migus).
Sept. 25, Tues. 7:30 pm. Ukrainian Genealogy Group Meeting, at the Ukrainian Catholic Church Hall, 952 Green Valley Cresc. Topic ” Genealogy research on the Internet” by Ted Lomatski and Mike Dowhan . Info (613) 731-1870 (evenings).
Sept. 26, Wed. 6-10 pm. UCPBA Ottawa invites you to their Fall Kick Off Evening and Dance. Toast the 2nd Annual Ontario Ukrainian Heritage Day, and meet students from Ukraine who are in the Capital for the Parliamentary Intern Program. At the Lago Bar and Grill, second floor of Dow’s Lake Pavilion. Dance to music of DJ Peter Zabchuk. Enjoy complimentary hors d’oeuvres. The evening will also be raising cancer awareness and supporting the 2012 Light The Night cancer awareness walk. Also, a silent auction. Discounted ticket prices available for advance purchase until Sept. 21. Visit <http://www.ucpbaottawa.ca>www.ucpbaottawa.ca for details. Honourable mention will be earned by those who sponsor a Ukrainian student to attend the event. UCPBA members $30, non-members $35; at door $40. Info or ticket purchase: contact Cornell Popyk at 613-737-4211 or email <mailto:mail@ucpbaottawa.ca>mail@ucpbaottawa.ca
Sept. 28, Fri. 6 pm. Algonquin College Campus Ministry invites you to the benefit concert of Christian music in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church at 1000 Byron Ave. The concert, Waking up Love, will feature our own pianist, composer, singer Yura Derkach (chaplain of Algonquin College), Ottawa’s Rudy Wolskiy, Naomi Striemer, and other guest performers on piano, cello, strings, guitar, singing and many beautiful performances and surprises. Proceeds will go to support Campus Ministry at Algonquin College. For tickets info contact Algonquin College Campus Ministry tel. 613-727-4723 ext. 5341 or visitwww2.algonquincollege.com/campusministry and Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral tel. 613-728-0856. Tickets will be also available at the door.
Sept. 29, Sat. 11 am.-1 pm. Book launch of “Picnic at the Iron Curtain: From the Fall of the Berlin Wall to Ukraine’s Orange Revolution”, by Susan Viets, the first Western journalist to work in Ukraine in 1991. Meet the author. At Books on Beechwood, 35 Beechwood Ave.
Irena Bell, Producer and Host The Ukrainian Hour, Sundays 5:00 – 6:00 PM on Radio CHIN – CJLL – 97.9 FM, Ottawa Streamed on http://chinradioottawa.com/ukrainian.html (podcasting temporarily suspended as web site being revamped) 30 Murray St. Ottawa, Canada K1N 5M4 DidYouKnow’s are on http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=8914D5DF7F79B5FB