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Звернення прем’єр-міністра Канади щодо вшанування 78-ї річниці Голодомору

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement commemorating the 78th anniversary of the Holodomor:

“On Saturday, November 26, I join Canadians in remembering and honouring the millions of men, women and children who suffered horribly and perished during the Ukrainian famine-genocide of 1932-1933. Moreover, I encourage all Canadians to participate in the many Holodomor commemoration ceremonies taking place this weekend across the country to learn about this terrible episode in human history.

“The Ukrainian famine, under the oppressive Soviet communist regime of Josef Stalin, remains one of the most atrocious crimes against humanity ever perpetrated. It also reminds us of the real importance of our country’s commitment to the protection and promotion of freedom, democracy and human rights.

“In 2008, Canada became the first nation to recognize the Holodomor as an act of genocide and passed legislation which establishes the fourth Saturday in November as Holodomor Memorial Day. Two years later, in October 2010, I had the honour of visiting the Holodomor Memorial and Museum in Kyiv, Ukraine where I observed a moment of silence in remembrance of its victims.

“Canada is home to more than one million Canadians of Ukrainian descent, many of whom lost loved ones in the Holodomor. We join with them on this solemn day to remember this sad chapter in their history that we vow never to forget.”

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